2023 HCH Conference & Policy Symposium

2023 HCH Conference & Policy Symposium

Thank you to our Platinum Sponsor, California Health Care Foundation. And thank you to everyone who helped make the 2023 annual conference a success!

Don’t forget to save the date for next year’s conference in Phoenix, May 13-16, 2024!

HCH 2023 Conference Materials

Download the digital program or browse our online resource library of conference video recordings and other presentation materials below.

A Sustainable Telehealth Clinic for People Experiencing Homelessness in Hampton Roads (Poster Session), , chronic-disease street-medicine telehealth clinical-practice
Addressing the Needs of Immigrant Patients with Experiences of Homelessness: Tools for Best Practice, policy-and-advocacy workforce-development-and-support
Building a Data Bridge Between the Healthcare and Homeless Response System, , healthcare-and-homelessness-partnerships research-and-data social-determinants-of-health policy-and-advocacy
Building Service Capacity Through a Model Workforce Development Program, healthcare-and-homelessness-partnerships workforce-development-and-support policy-and-advocacy
Centering Lived Experience and Justice with People Navigating Homelessness and Substance Usesubstance-use behavioral-health
Closing Plenary and Keynote, community-health-workers policy-and-advocacy clinical-practice
Collecting SOGI Data in a HCH Setting- a Multi-Pronged Approach, , , gender-affirming-care justice-equity-diversion-and-inclusion-jedi research-and-data social-determinants-of-health
Confronting Collective and Cumulative Grief: Self-Care as an Institutional Responsibility, , clinical-practice mortality workforce-development-and-support
Developing a Model of On Site Geriatric Care for People with Lived Experience of Homelessness, , shelter-health street-medicine substance-use clinical-practice behavioral-health
Developing an Integrated Healthcare and Housing Facility, , behavioral-health clinical-practice healthcare-and-homelessness-partnerships policy-and-advocacy
Diabetes Cardiovascular Disease Oral Health Integration, , chronic-disease clinical-practice healthcare-and-homelessness-partnerships policy-and-advocacy
Emerging Health Care Concerns Among People Experiencing Homeless Who Use Xylazine, , behavioral-health medication-assisted-treatment substance-use
Ensuring the Wheels Keep Turning for Mobile Health Clinics to Provide Health Care for The Homeless, , mobile-health street-outreach workforce-development-and-support street-medicine
Expanding Medical Respite Care: Breaking Down Silos through Multi-Sector Collaboration, , , , , , clinical-guidelines clinical-practice community-health-workers healthcare-and-homelessness-partnerships housing-and-housing-first medical-respite research-and-data policy-and-advocacy social-determinants-of-health
Falling Through the Cracks: LGBTQ+ Disparities in Homelessness, , , , gender-affirming-care justice-equity-diversion-and-inclusion-jedi policy-and-advocacy research-and-data social-determinants-of-health
HCH Awards Ceremony 2023, clinical-practice policy-and-advocacy
Hospital and Housing Partnerships, , , , healthcare-and-homelessness-partnerships medicaid-and-medicare medical-respite policy-and-advocacy research-and-data
Housing the “Impossibles:” How to House the Medically Frail Homeless Population, , , , , healthcare-and-homelessness-partnerships housing-and-housing-first medicaid-and-medicare medical-respite policy-and-advocacy street-outreach social-determinants-of-health street-medicine
Impact of a Data-Driven Centralized Care Coordination Program in a Large Urban Shelter System, research-and-data shelter-health clinical-practice
Improving Outcomes and Protecting from Compassion Fatigue by Learning Motivational Interviewing, , clinical-practice policy-and-advocacy workforce-development-and-support
Improving Reentry for Homeless Veterans with Peer Support: The Post-Incarceration Engagement Modelbehavioral-health
It Takes a Village: An Integrated Safety Net for Housing Insecure Older Adults in a Health Planresearch-and-data
Leading with Lived Experience: Empowering Clients and Residents in Advocacy and Decision Making, , consumer-engagement policy-and-advocacy workforce-development-and-support
Learning Lab: Developing an Organizational Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (JEDI) Languagejustice-equity-diversion-and-inclusion-jedi
Learning Lab: Preventing Suicide – Resources for Assessment, Intervention, and Coping with Loss, , harm-reduction severe-mental-illness workforce-development-and-support behavioral-health clinical-practice
Learning Lab: Wound Care Management Across Health Care for the Homeless Settings, , , , clinical-practice community-health-workers mobile-health shelter-health street-medicine
Lessons in Palliative Care: Examples and Promising Practices from San Francisco and Toronto, , medical-respite mortality workforce-development-and-support clinical-practice
Leveraging Resources to Build Partnerships between Health & Homeless Systems, , funding-for-hch housing-and-housing-first workforce-development-and-support policy-and-advocacy social-determinants-of-health
Minnesota Homeless Mortality Study, 2017-2021, mortality research-and-data clinical-practice
Mobile Hygiene to Engage Unsheltered PEH, , , consumer-engagement mobile-health shelter-health street-medicine clinical-practice
“More Than Healthcare:” Using Direct Patient Feedback to Create a Measurement Tool for SDOH, , consumer-engagement research-and-data social-determinants-of-health
Opening Plenary and Keynotepolicy-and-advocacy
Oral Presentation 1: Harm Reduction, harm-reduction street-medicine behavioral-health
Oral Presentation 10: Transitions to Hospitals and Hospice, , healthcare-and-homelessness-partnerships mortality policy-and-advocacy clinical-practice
Oral Presentation 11: Scope and Quality of Medical Mobile Services, , mobile-health street-medicine street-outreach
Oral Presentation 12: Pregnancy and Post-partum Planning, clinical-practice research-and-data
Oral Presentation 13: Housing Impact and Solutions, , policy-and-advocacy social-determinants-of-health street-medicine
Oral Presentation 14: Integration Mental Health Services, , behavioral-health severe-mental-illness shelter-health clinical-practice
Oral Presentation 17: Approaches to Street Outreach, , mobile-health street-medicine street-outreach
Oral Presentation 19: Vision and Dental Care Among People Experiencing Homelessness, research-and-data street-medicine
Oral Presentation 2: Gendered Experience of Homelessnessgender-affirming-care
Oral Presentation 3: Mobile Outreachmobile-health street-medicine
Oral Presentation 4: Replicable Trauma-Informed Outreach, , community-health-workers mobile-health street-medicine clinical-practice
Oral Presentation 5: Medical Respite Operation and Evaluation, , medicaid-and-medicare policy-and-advocacy research-and-data
Oral Presentation 6: Changing Climates – Climate resilient housing and workforce burnout, , housing-and-housing-first social-determinants-of-health workforce-development-and-support
Oral Presentation 7: Addiction Recovery and Sober Livingsubstance-use behavioral-health
Oral Presentation 8: Behavioral Health Access and Therapybehavioral-health
Oral Presentation 9: Trauma-Informed Sex Safety, , clinical-practice gender-affirming-care infectious-disease
PCI: Building a Healthier Foundation for Justice: The BIPOC Collective Experience, justice-equity-diversion-and-inclusion-jedi policy-and-advocacy
PCI: Consumer Engagement: How Consumer Leaders Advance Health Care Systems, consumer-engagement policy-and-advocacy
PCI: Gender-Affirming Care 101 – Clinical Competenciesgender-affirming-care
PCI: Harm Reduction and HCH: Supporting People Who Use Drugs Across the Spectrum of Care, , , behavioral-health harm-reduction policy-and-advocacy substance-use
PCI: Medical Respite 101: Building a Sustainable Program, , , , , clinical-practice funding-for-hch medicaid-and-medicare medical-respite policy-and-advocacy research-and-data
Points of Care: Creating an Emergency Department That Effectively Serves the Unhoused, , healthcare-and-homelessness-partnerships research-and-data social-determinants-of-health policy-and-advocacy
Progression, Not Perfection An Introduction to Harm Reduction in Medical Respite Care Settings, , behavioral-health harm-reduction substance-use
Providing Equitable & Effective Addiction Care for People Experiencing Homelessnesssubstance-use behavioral-health
Putting “Community” into a Community Clinic, , consumer-engagement healthcare-and-homelessness-partnerships workforce-development-and-support policy-and-advocacy
SF Managed Alcohol Program’s Aim to Serve the Latinx Population with Severe AUD (Poster Session), , , behavioral-health justice-equity-diversion-and-inclusion-jedi mortality substance-use clinical-practice
Social Justice and Healthcare Solutions for Families Experiencing Homelessness, , , , community-health-workers justice-equity-diversion-and-inclusion-jedi mobile-health policy-and-advocacy street-medicine clinical-practice
The Health and Housing Impact of the Flexible Housing Pool Program of Chicago & Cook County, research-and-data social-determinants-of-health
The Why Behind MMI2-SWC, Murdered & Missing 2-Spirit Individuals, Women & Children: It’s an Epidemic, , domestic-violence harm-reduction justice-equity-diversion-and-inclusion-jedi behavioral-health
Thriving Beyond Recuperative Care: Navigation & Support for Graduates, research-and-data social-determinants-of-health
Treating Alcohol Use Disorder in the Primary Care Setting, , , behavioral-health medication-assisted-treatment severe-mental-illness substance-use clinical-practice
Using a Nurse Triage Line to Reduce Overutilization of Emergency Services: A NYC Case Study (Poster Session), clinical-practice research-and-data
Using Research to Advocate for Housing as a Better Solution, , housing-and-housing-first policy-and-advocacy research-and-data social-determinants-of-health
“What’s New in Homeless Health Care?” A No-Jargon Summary of the Latest Research, , housing-and-housing-first research-and-data workforce-development-and-support social-determinants-of-health
When Clinicians and Policy Advocates Join Forces, clinical-practice policy-and-advocacy
“Why Don’t You Go See Your Doctor?” Barriers to Accessing Healthcare Among Portland’s Houselessstreet-medicine
Wound Care in the Age of Xylazine: Practical and Ethical Considerations for Wound Treatment, , clinical-practice harm-reduction street-medicine behavioral-health

HCH 2023 Award Winners

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