NHCHC Post-Election Reflection and Call to Action
NHCHC Post-Election Reflection and Call to Action
The goal of the Medical Respite Playbook online course – is to provide Managed Care Plans (MCPs) with information about the philosophy and practice of medical respite care, and offer suggestions on how MCPs can most effectively partner with medical respite care programs. Take Online Course Now
MRC – Medical Respite Playbook: A Practical Guide for Managed Care Plans Read More >>
Many clients who are referred to and engaged with medical respite programs have co-occurring behavioral health conditions and needs. This course provides an overview of behavioral health conditions, and introduces ways programs can supporting individual with behavioral health conditions. This course is 60 minutes in length. If you are logged in, all of your progress
Medical Respite Care: Introduction to Behavioral Health
This course builds on the previous courses to provide an overview and recommendations on how programs can support people with behavioral health needs. This courses focuses on building programmatic policies and structures that can increase the programs’ ability to address the needs of people with behavioral health conditions. You will need to take the courses
This course builds on the previous courses to provide an overview and recommendations on how programs can support people with behavioral health needs. This course focuses on identifying specific strategies that can be utilized by program staff to increase the staff and programs’ ability to address the needs of people with behavioral health conditions. You
Presentation by: Jillian Olmstead, Executive Director/CEO, The INN Between Description: Homelessness compounds the obstacles and the barriers to accessing end-of-life care, necessitating innovative approaches to ensure dignity and comfort during this vulnerable stage of life. Explore the critical need for and the challenges associated with providing hospice care tailored to unhoused individuals within a recuperative
Sanctuary in Transition: Hospice Care for the Homeless Read More >>
Presentation by: John Hallett, MD, Lead Physician at COTS Mary Isaak Center, Petaluma Health Center; Cailtin Synovec, OT-BSN, Associate Director of Medical Respite, National Health Care for the Homeless Council; Hagar Dickman, Senior Attorney, Justice in Aging; Catherine Hayes, President & Co-Founder, Cardea Health; Panel facilitated by Brandon Cook, Senior Medical Respite Manager, National Health
Serving the Complex Needs of Older Adults Experiencing Homelessness Read More >>