A Closer Look

A monthly in-depth look at issues affecting people experiencing homelessness and the broader Health Care for the Homeless community

A Closer Look


Tiny homes

The Urgent, Uncomfortable Issue We Need to Talk About

by Barbara DiPietro, Senior Policy Director There are two words that feel especially uncomfortable right now: Sanctioned Encampments. This term means different things to different people, and can reference a wide range of approaches—but simply letting large numbers of people live outside is hardly a solution to homelessness—and one that has a high risk of […]

The Urgent, Uncomfortable Issue We Need to Talk About Read More >>

bench with bedding juxtaposed against SCOTUS building

Cruel and Unusual Punishment, Part 3

By Barbara DiPietro, Senior Director of Policy  Background: In March (Part 1), we described the key provisions of this case and outlined how to draw attention and build power around key advocacy messages. In April (Part 2), we summarized the Supreme Court hearing, listed 10 questions the Justices asked during testimony, linked to the amicus

Cruel and Unusual Punishment, Part 3

Bobby Watts, CEO of NHCHC, speaks at a rally in front of the Supreme Court.

Cruel and Unusual Punishment, Part 2

By Barbara DiPietro, Senior Director of Policy On Monday, April 22, the Supreme Court heard the case of Johnson v. Grants Pass â€” a case that determines whether it is cruel and unusual punishment for communities to ticket or fine unsheltered people for sleeping outside. For background, last month’s Closer Look blog described the key provisions of this case

Cruel and Unusual Punishment, Part 2

Pillows and blankets on a park bench

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

By Barbara DiPietro, Senior Director of Policy In Grants Pass, Ore., there is a law that bans camping in public — and the law defines a campsite as any place that has bedding like a sleeping bag or pillow. This means that, despite no housing and no shelter, folks living outside get tickets of up

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Medicaid and Medical Respite

Two New Briefs Show Medical Respite Moving into Mainstream Medicaid

By Barbara DiPietro, PhD, Senior Director of Policy I’m excited to share two new issue briefs that focus on the role of Medicaid in paying for medical respite care. Our first brief — Status of State-Level Medicaid Benefits for Medical Respite Care — provides a current snapshot of the state-level Medicaid activity related to medical respite care. The

Two New Briefs Show Medical Respite Moving into Mainstream Medicaid Read More >>

hand forming a heart in front of a sunset

The Power of Love — The HCH Community’s Greatest Advocacy Tool

By Barbara DiPietro, PhD, Senior Director of Policy “If all public policy was created in the spirit of love, we would not have to worry about unemployment, homelessness, schools failing to teach children, or addiction.” — bell hooks, All About Love (2021) Especially challenging times are upon us. Next year will be a difficult one

The Power of Love — The HCH Community’s Greatest Advocacy Tool Read More >>

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