Press Center

Connect with the Council for expertise and multimedia resources

Media Inquiries

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council regularly provides guidance and perspective to members of the media on critical issues in homelessness and health care. We are the leading voice for Health Care for the Homeless and medical respite/recuperative care, and our staff and membership offer a tremendous wealth of knowledge on topics at the intersection of health care and homelessness.

If you are a media representative and would like to learn more about the Council, our work, or our perspective, or want to reach out for expert comments and perspectives on issues in the news, please contact the Director of Marketing & Communications

The Council Media Bureau is a valuable resource connecting journalists with experts in the field. Experts in the Media Bureau represent a broad range of backgrounds and experiences and can provide insight on more than 50 subject areas.

The Council in the News

Read media coverage involving the Council or our research.

Media Releases & Statements

View media releases and official statements from the National HCH Council.

Understand Our Work

Learn about the Council and our members, the work we do, member benefits, and how you can join us as an Individual, Organizational, or Corporate Affiliate member.

The Council’s Blogs

Read more about the latest happenings, news and events related to the Health Care for the Homeless Community on our official blogs, or subscribe to our email newsletter for ongoing updates.

Council Updates

Official NHCHC blog about the latest happenings, news and events

The HCH Help Desk

Answers to FAQs related to health services for people experiencing homelessness

A Closer Look

An in-depth look at issues affecting people experiencing homelessness and the broader Health Care for the Homeless community

Multimedia Resources

The Council’s HCH Stories and Visualize Homelessness campaigns offer educational videos and images for media use, public awareness campaigns, social media, and other informational purposes.

HCH Stories is an online video series illuminating the experiences of service providers, consumers, advocates, and administrators involved with Health Care for the Homeless.

Various images to use in educational materials, public awareness campaigns, on social media, and wherever applicable in your work in health care or homelessness.

Email Newsletters

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council curates several information-packed newsletters for members and advocates each month. Visit the issue archives below or become a Council member to subscribe!

Solidarity: Issue and education focused, and includes information such as recommended reading and “In the News” features.
R & R: Highlights webinars and other key events, as well as registrations, resources, and job openings. Clean and concise, designed for quick reading.
COVID-19 Flash Blast: Published Jan. 2021-June 2022, this newsletter examined key issues specific to COVID-19 and the HCH community.
Mobilizer Volume 25, No. 10
Mobilizer: A monthly action alert newsletter developed by the National Health Care for the Homeless Council’s policy and advocacy team.
Respite News: Highlights trends, new resources, and learning opportunities of interest to providers, consumers, and advocates of medical respite care.
The Consumer Voice: Offers important information on housing and health care topics and shares updates on the work of NCAB and consumer advisory boards across the United States.
Healing Hands: A publication of the HCH Clinicians’ Network, melds scientific knowledge with the experience of clinicians working in Health Care for the Homeless.