Hospital and Housing Partnerships

From homelessness to housing to health! This panel of community partners will cover how Denver used innovating healthcare partnerships to launch initiatives which provide supportive housing to chronically homeless individuals who frequently use emergency services like jails, emergency rooms and detox facilities. Panelist will share details of the Denver SIB lead to the development of Denver’s second Social Impact Bond project focused on homelessness – the Denver SIPPRA project. Denver SIPPRA launched July 1, 2022 to provide supportive housing to an additional 125 participants who have high levels of interactions with the healthcare and justice systems. Panelists will share early learning from this project and discuss the benefits of interagency collaboration on an organizational, financial and clinical level. Panelists will further discuss the impact of investing in these programs on client success. This will included an exploration of modalities used, program structure and consumer narrative.

Speakers: Myra Nagy: Chair of CCH CAB, CCH; Jenny Dearing: Director of Housing First and ACT Services, Colorado Coalition for the Homeless; Dr. Sarah Stella: Associate Professor of Medicine, Denver Health; A.K. Kopperud: Project Manager, UCHealth’s Housing Transitions Team (HTT)

Session Materials: 

Categories: Healthcare and Homelessness Partnerships, Medicaid and Medicare, Medical Respite, Policy and Advocacy, Research and Data
Tags: 2023 National HCH Conference
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