Medication Assisted Treatment

Treating Alcohol Use Disorder in the Primary Care Setting

People experiencing homelessness experience high rates of alcohol use disorder, estimated to be as high as 40%, and increased morbidity and mortality from alcohol use, as well as increased barriers to treatment including limited financial resources, limited insurance coverage, photo ID requirements, comorbid physical and mental health conditions, and stigma. The most accessible place for

Treating Alcohol Use Disorder in the Primary Care Setting Read More >>

Emerging Health Care Concerns Among People Experiencing Homeless Who Use Xylazine

Xylazine (“Tranq”) first appeared in the opioid drug supply over a decade ago, however, it has now infiltrated over 90% of the drug supply in one large city. This presentation will discuss how the increase in xylazine has impacted the health care concerns among people experiencing homeless (PEH) in several areas: pregnancy/prenatal care, wounds, and

Emerging Health Care Concerns Among People Experiencing Homeless Who Use Xylazine Read More >>

Medication-Assisted Treatment in the HCH Community: Strategies for Expanding Services

Webinar Slides(PDF) NHCHC MAT Policy Brief(PDF) Project HOPE Medication First Model(PDF) Project HOPE Addiction Laguage Guide(PDF) Buprenorphine Research on New Approaches article(PDF)   While Health Care for the Homeless programs serve only 4% of all health center patients nationally, they are responsible for serving nearly 40% of all patients receiving medication-assisted treatment (MAT). Patient need

Medication-Assisted Treatment in the HCH Community: Strategies for Expanding Services Read More >>

Medication-Assisted Treatment: Changes in Federal Policy Will Help Increase Access to Opioid Treatment in the HCH Community

Webinar Slides(PDF) The Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 (CARA) expanded buprenorphine prescribing rights to nurse practitioners and physicians’ assistants, while changes in federal regulations increased patient limits. At the same time, many homeless health care providers have been adding MAT services into their primary care practice and finding both challenges and opportunities with

Medication-Assisted Treatment: Changes in Federal Policy Will Help Increase Access to Opioid Treatment in the HCH Community Read More >>

Treating Opioid Addiction in Homeless Populations: Challenges and Opportunities Providing Medication Assisted Treatment (Buprenorphine)

Webinar Slides(PDF) Our nation is facing an opioid epidemic that has reached crisis levels; drug overdose deaths have surpassed car accidents and firearms as the leading cause of injury and death in the U.S. In 2014 47,000 people died of drug overdoses, more than any other year on record, and opiate overdoses accounted for more

Treating Opioid Addiction in Homeless Populations: Challenges and Opportunities Providing Medication Assisted Treatment (Buprenorphine) Read More >>

Medication-Assisted Treatment: Buprenorphine in the HCH Community

Heroin and prescription drug overdoses have reached epidemic levels, spurred in part by the large number of opioids prescribed for pain. In 2012, 259 million prescriptions were written for opioids in the U.S., enough to supply every American adult with their own bottle of pills. An estimated 4.5 million people were non-medical users of prescription

Medication-Assisted Treatment: Buprenorphine in the HCH Community

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