When Clinicians and Policy Advocates Join Forces

Increasing access to care is a cornerstone to community health centers and safety net clinics. Often, access to care includes making policy changes that drive diverse care models. A recent example of this includes the movement to allow Advanced Practice Providers (APPs) to work at the top of their licensure to ensure a larger pool of primary care staffing candidates. APPs are now the backbone of primary healthcare in Federally Qualified Health Centers. A current movement involves incorporating Dental Health Aid Therapists (DHATs) in the dental care team. A DHAT is a midlevel dental provider whose practice is limited to basic dental treatment and expands on the functions of a dental hygienist and expanded function dental assistant. Physicians and dentists should collaborate with policy advocates to make these changes at a legislative level. Clinician involvement in policy work increases job satisfaction by reducing the care burden away from solely physicians and dentists. This workshop will discuss how these policy movements are enhanced when clinician leaders work in partnership with policy advocates and how the outcomes can be hugely beneficial for providers and patients, particularly those patients experiencing homelessness.

Speakers: Rachel Biggs: Chief Strategy Officer, Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless; Nadia Fazel: Chief Clinical Officer, Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless

Session Materials: 

Categories: Clinical Practice, Policy and Advocacy
Tags: 2023 National HCH Conference
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