Online Courses
Experienced clinicians, administrators, and consumers in homeless health care services know that sometimes you need information on your own schedule. This page is your portal to online versions of education opportunities created by HCH professionals for HCH professionals.
To take courses, you will need to log on to keep track of your progress. If you don’t have a profile already, you will need to create one.
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Online Courses by Category
Webinar Series
Trauma-Informed Care Webinar Series:

Being Trauma-Informed and Its Role in Ending Homelessness
We sit at the edge of a paradigm that has the power to transform not only our work

Trauma is the Public Health Issue of Our Time
For most patients, trauma is not just another presenting problem. For too many, trauma is the underlying cause

The Abyss: Addiction, Homelessness, and Trauma
Without healing, trauma can structure a person’s brain in a way that sets them up to be

Hope, Transformation, and Post-Traumatic Growth
The amazing thing about humans is that, no matter how dark the situation, there is

Documenting Disability for Medical Providers

Health Care for the Homeless 101

Neurobiology of Addiction

Special Considerations in HCH