Workforce Development and Support

“What’s New in Homeless Health Care?” A No-Jargon Summary of the Latest Research

Staying up-to-date on the growing field of homelessness research presents a considerable challenge for the busy clinician or administrator. This workshop will present a plain-language summary of selected scientific studies on the health of homeless people that have been published since January 1, 2022. The presentation will focus on scientific contributions in the following domains […]

“What’s New in Homeless Health Care?” A No-Jargon Summary of the Latest Research Read More >>

Oral Presentation 6: Changing Climates – Climate resilient housing and workforce burnout

Speakers: Rachel Maas: Central City Concern; Kristina Gunhouse-Vigil: Director of Workforce Transformation, San Francisco Community Health Center; Richard Bruno: Central City Concerne Presentation Materials:  View the Prezi Presentation: Richard Bruno Download PowerPoint Presentation: Kristina Gunhouse-Vigil

Oral Presentation 6: Changing Climates – Climate resilient housing and workforce burnout Read More >>

Leveraging Resources to Build Partnerships between Health & Homeless Systems

This presentation will focus on encouraging clinical excellence of helpers as they provide care to our most vulnerable while providing a framework that not only protects the helpers from compassion fatigue, but promotes a worldview of partnership, optimism and empowerment. Motivational Interviewing (MI) can be defined as a particular way of talking with people about

Leveraging Resources to Build Partnerships between Health & Homeless Systems Read More >>

Lessons in Palliative Care: Examples and Promising Practices from San Francisco and Toronto

Speakers: Tanya Majumder: Physician, San Francisco Department of Public Health Street Medicine, Shelter Health, and Urgent Care; Donna Spaner: Inner City Health Associates; Shannon Ducharme: Health Worker Extraordinaire, Street Medicine; Melanie Bien: Sr. Psychiatric Social Worker, Street Medicine; Trevor Morey: Physician, Inner City Health Associates; Naheed Dosani: Inner City Health Associates Session Materials:  Download Powerpoint

Lessons in Palliative Care: Examples and Promising Practices from San Francisco and Toronto Read More >>

Addressing the Needs of Immigrant Patients with Experiences of Homelessness: Tools for Best Practice

Immigration status is a well recognized social determinant of health and can compound the social and medical needs of HCH immigrant patients. Immigration law directly influences non-citizens’ eligibility for a wide array of benefits and services, including health insurance. The health consequences of limited access to care are particularly magnified for those experiencing homelessness. This

Addressing the Needs of Immigrant Patients with Experiences of Homelessness: Tools for Best Practice Read More >>

Improving Outcomes and Protecting from Compassion Fatigue by Learning Motivational Interviewing

This presentation will focus on encouraging clinical excellence of helpers as they provide care to our most vulnerable while providing a framework that not only protects the helpers from compassion fatigue, but promotes a worldview of partnership, optimism and empowerment. Motivational Interviewing (MI) can be defined as a particular way of talking with people about

Improving Outcomes and Protecting from Compassion Fatigue by Learning Motivational Interviewing Read More >>

Ensuring the Wheels Keep Turning for Mobile Health Clinics to Provide Health Care for The Homeless

How does a health center create and launch a mobile health clinic and maintain a sustainable, viable mobile service delivery program? This session will provide best practices to create a sustainability plan for a mobile health clinic with a financial model and best practices for clinical operations, workforce, and vehicular management and maintenance. The most

Ensuring the Wheels Keep Turning for Mobile Health Clinics to Provide Health Care for The Homeless Read More >>

Building Service Capacity Through a Model Workforce Development Program

In late 2022, a managed care plan began a partnership with a community-based organization that had an impressive history of partnering with local employment partners to effectively meet staffing needs, while also providing opportunities for individuals with lived experience and other barriers to integrate into the workplace. Together they sought to address several regional concerns:

Building Service Capacity Through a Model Workforce Development Program Read More >>