As medical respite care continues to grow nationwide, many communities stumble when asked the million dollar question, “How do you plan to sustainably fund this program?” This panel discussion features three medical respite providers as they share how their programs originally funded their medical respite beds, how that funding has evolved, and what their funding plans are for the future. Panelists will also discuss strategies for developing successful funding partnerships, challenges and missteps along the way, and recommendations for communities in the process of developing their medical respite services. This panel discussion will be highly interactive and a great opportunity for anyone interested in learning more about sustaining medical respite care.
Speakers: Richard Ducatenzeiler, CEO, The Boulevard of Chicago, Inc.; Rhonda Hauff, CEO, Yakima Neighborhood Health Services; Julia Dobbins, National Health Care for the Homeless Council; Erin Gay Miyoshi, Director of Fund Development, Joseph and Mary’s Home
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