Medical Respite

Gender-Affirming Medical Respite Care: Promising Practices

Are you interested in creating a welcoming environment for trans and non-binary clients at your medical respite program? Are you curious how other programs support gender-affirmation for staff and clients? Join the National Health Care for the Homeless Council and the National Institute for Medical Respite Care for a discussion on promising practices for Gender-Affirming […]

Gender-Affirming Medical Respite Care: Promising Practices

Creating Healing Spaces: Trauma Informed Design in Medical Respite Symposium

Virtual Symposium Description The environment plays a significant role in the health and well-being of people experiencing homelessness.  In many cases, the environment contributes to the stress and re-traumatization of individuals, while restricting participation in necessary daily activities and healthy connections. However, the environment also presents a significant opportunity to begin the process of healing.

Creating Healing Spaces: Trauma Informed Design in Medical Respite Symposium Read More >>

Assessing Health Management in Health Centers and Medical Respite Programs

Download Webinar Slides (PDF) Webinar Description Individuals experiencing homelessness continue to experience chronic conditions and behavioral health conditions at higher rates than the general population. This requires extensive health management skills on the part of the consumer and appropriate modifications from providers to adjust recommendations and guidance for managing chronic conditions for people experiencing homelessness.

Assessing Health Management in Health Centers and Medical Respite Programs Read More >>

Building Relationships with Hospitals

Hospitals are an important partner for medical respite care programs, yet sometimes these relationships can be challenging to establish. Understanding the goals and structure of hospitals can help programs establish a positive relationship. Attendees for this webinar will learn about the current landscape for America’s Essential Hospitals and challenges they are facing in a post-pandemic

Building Relationships with Hospitals

Issue Brief: CalAIM Implementation of Recuperative Care Services: Lessons Learned

On Jan. 1, 2022, California began implementation of the California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM), a multiyear effort focused on transforming California’s Medicaid program, which includes 14 new Community Support services to address health-related social needs of Medi-Cal beneficiaries. Recuperative care (also called medical respite care) is included as one of the Community Supports, which

Issue Brief: CalAIM Implementation of Recuperative Care Services: Lessons Learned Read More >>