Medical Respite

Medical Respite Care Programs & the Triple Aim Framework for Health

IHI Guide to Measuring Triple Aim White Paper(PDF) Policy Brief(PDF) Webinar slides(PDF)   Medical respite care programs are increasingly providing hospitals with a safe discharge option for patients who are homeless and need ongoing care. At the same time, health care systems nationally are using a “Triple Aim” framework to improve population health, enhance the […]

Medical Respite Care Programs & the Triple Aim Framework for Health Read More >>

Somewhere to Heal: An Introduction to Medical Respite Care

Somewhere to Heal-An Introduction to Medical Respite Slides (917 KB)(PDF) DTCP Self Efficacy Scale (40 KB)(PDF) DTCP Enrollment Form (49 KB)(PDF) DTCP Has Needs Form (49 KB)(PDF) DTCP Medical Respite Data Form (42 KB)(PDF) DTCP Duke Health Profile (46 KB)(PDF)   Medical respite care is a critical component in the continuum of health care for people experiencing homelessness. While communities nationwide

Somewhere to Heal: An Introduction to Medical Respite Care Read More >>

Financing Medical Respite Care: A Practical Discussion to Ensure Sustainability

Webinar Slides(PDF) As communities are looking to reduce health care costs and improve patient outcomes, medical respite care programs are filling a critical need for people who are experiencing homelessness. Whether providing hospitals with a safe and legal discharge option, or creating a bridge between hospital and supportive housing programs, medical respite care is a

Financing Medical Respite Care: A Practical Discussion to Ensure Sustainability Read More >>

Proposed Minimum Standards for Medical Respite Programs

Webinar Slides(PDF) Medical respite programs improve continuity of care for people experiencing homelessness by bridging health systems and by promoting patient self-management. Studies indicate that patients who access medical respite care have fewer hospitalizations and emergency department visits in the months following program participation. For these reasons, medical respite programs are becoming a hot topic

Proposed Minimum Standards for Medical Respite Programs

Medical Respite Start Ups: Lessons Learned and Recommendations

Webinar Slides(PDF) PHMC Medical Respite Program Snapshot(PDF) Circle the City Program Snapshot(PDF) Questions and Answers(PDF)   Medical respite care is a critical component in the continuum of health care for people experiencing homelessness. In addition to providing short-term clinical oversight for individuals recuperating from an acute illness or injury, these programs facilitate care transitions from

Medical Respite Start Ups: Lessons Learned and Recommendations Read More >>

Care Transitions for Patients Experiencing Homelessness

Webinar Slides(PDF) This webinar will provide an introduction to transitional care and highlight a new care transition model developed by Oregon Health and Sciences University that targets low-income and uninsured patients, including those who are experiencing homelessness. Transitional care models aim to improve health care delivery, increase patient self-management skills, and reduce health care costs by

Care Transitions for Patients Experiencing Homelessness

Laying the Groundwork for Meeting QI/QA Requirements: Action Steps Taken

Webinar Slides(PDF) This webinar is a continuation of the series on the Quality Improvement/Quality Assurance Plan FQHC program requirement with the first presentation broadcast in March 2012. This webinar will feature perspectives from the San Francisco and Omaha health care for the homeless programs. After this webinar, participants will be able to describe the effects of electronic

Laying the Groundwork for Meeting QI/QA Requirements: Action Steps Taken Read More >>