Medical Respite

Fidelity to the Guiding Principles of Medical Respite Care: Development and Use of a Fidelity Measure 

Important Note: We have conducted further testing of the Fidelity Measure, and a new version of this white paper is coming soon. Medical respite care is defined as acute and post-acute care for people experiencing homelessness who are too ill or frail to recover from a physical illness or injury on the streets or in […]

Fidelity to the Guiding Principles of Medical Respite Care: Development and Use of a Fidelity Measure  Read More >>

Lessons in Palliative Care: Examples and Promising Practices from San Francisco and Toronto

Speakers: Tanya Majumder: Physician, San Francisco Department of Public Health Street Medicine, Shelter Health, and Urgent Care; Donna Spaner: Inner City Health Associates; Shannon Ducharme: Health Worker Extraordinaire, Street Medicine; Melanie Bien: Sr. Psychiatric Social Worker, Street Medicine; Trevor Morey: Physician, Inner City Health Associates; Naheed Dosani: Inner City Health Associates Session Materials:  Download Powerpoint

Lessons in Palliative Care: Examples and Promising Practices from San Francisco and Toronto Read More >>

Hospital and Housing Partnerships

From homelessness to housing to health! This panel of community partners will cover how Denver used innovating healthcare partnerships to launch initiatives which provide supportive housing to chronically homeless individuals who frequently use emergency services like jails, emergency rooms and detox facilities. Panelist will share details of the Denver SIB lead to the development of

Hospital and Housing Partnerships

Housing the “Impossibles:” How to House the Medically Frail Homeless Population

Across the United States the homeless population is growing older and sicker. Homelessness results in an accelerated aging process and the rapid worsening of chronic medical conditions that could be treated with consistent access to quality care and shelter. Additionally, being unhoused carries an increased risk of disability and traumatic brain injury. As the health

Housing the “Impossibles:” How to House the Medically Frail Homeless Population Read More >>

Expanding Medical Respite Care: Breaking Down Silos through Multi-Sector Collaboration

Collaborative partnerships are crucial to the delivery of high quality, equitable community- based care. While these partnerships are essential, it can be difficult for funders, large health systems, and smaller nonprofits/social service organizations to navigate, understand one another, and to build mutual partnerships that create a lasting impact. As we continue to work to de-silo

Expanding Medical Respite Care: Breaking Down Silos through Multi-Sector Collaboration Read More >>