Financing a Medical Respite Care Program

Integrating ADL Support into Medical Respite Services

As the PEH population ages and geriatric conditions increase, Medical Respite programs across the country may increasingly be asked to accept individuals with ADL support needs. This presentation will outline how the San Francisco Department of Public Health’s Respite program approached enhancing onsite ADL support, including considerations around licensing and funding. The session will provide […]

Integrating ADL Support into Medical Respite Services

Medical Respite Budget Tool

The Medical Respite Budget Tool is intended to provide medical respite care providers and funders with a framework for understanding and planning for program costs in operating a medical respite. There are 5 factors that will impact program budget planning: Establishing program costs is beneficial when starting and operating a medical respite program and can

Medical Respite Budget Tool

Medical Respite Programs and Managed Care Organizations: Recommendations for Collaboration and Sustainability

  Partnering with Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) presents both opportunities and challenges for medical respite care programs. However, the interest in medical respite programs within MCOs is growing! This webinar provides an overview of Managed Care Organizations and their relationship to medical respite care. Participants have the opportunity to learn about state-level coverages, contract considerations,

Medical Respite Programs and Managed Care Organizations: Recommendations for Collaboration and Sustainability Read More >>

Sustainability for Medical Respite Programs: Strategies and Recommendations

Download Slides (PDF) Financial sustainability is a central issue in building and operating a medical respite program. Programs are often challenged with managing multiple funding streams that require partnerships and differing requirements for reporting and data collection for each funding source. This webinar provides an overview of the importance of finding sustainable funding for medical

Sustainability for Medical Respite Programs: Strategies and Recommendations Read More >>

Approaches to Financing Medical Respite Care Programs

Individuals experiencing homelessness are at higher risk for complex health conditions and often have nowhere to heal safely when they are discharged from a hospital impatient admission. Care providers and hospital discharge planners struggle to find safe and appropriate (i.e., non-shelter) referrals for these patients to rest and recuperate. This represents a serious, persistent, and

Approaches to Financing Medical Respite Care Programs

Medical Respite Care Tool Kit

The purpose of this tool kit is to provide information and tools to help organizations and advocates plan, develop, and sustain medical respite care programs. This tool kit organizes existing resources developed by the National Institute for Medical Respite Care, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, and other medical respite care providers while incorporating

Medical Respite Care Tool Kit

Medicaid & Managed Care Financing Strategies that Support Medical Respite Care Programs

Webinar Slides(PDF) Medicaid & Medicaid Managed Care: Financing Approaches for Medical Respite Care(LINK) NIMRC(LINK)   Medicaid and managed care organizations (MCOs) are increasingly providing financial support for medical respite care programs because they recognize the value of these models of care. This webinar will feature program administrators from two very different medical respite programs who

Medicaid & Managed Care Financing Strategies that Support Medical Respite Care Programs Read More >>