For most patients, trauma is not just another presenting problem. For too many, trauma is the underlying cause of their psychological, medical, and social struggles. As our understanding of trauma increases, its devastation becomes more and more clear. Past pain and suffering directly impacts health outcomes, as well as the ability to succeed in our programs and in larger society.
In this webinar, we will examine the impact of trauma and the resulting pain, suffering, and challenges. Understanding the impact of trauma helps us focus care to maximize short- and long-term health outcomes. Without addressing past trauma, patients will struggle to find hope and to realize the changes that allow them to live the lives they desire for themselves.
Please note that our technology limits participation to 500 attendees, and participants will be registered on a first-come, first-served basis. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Information on accessing the recordings of this webinar series will be forthcoming.
- Matt Bennett, Chief Innovation Officer, Coldspring Center for Social and Health Innovation, Denver, CO