Nurse Call Line Pilot in Homeless Shelters in NYC: Experiences, Barriers, and Facilitators

The Nurse Call Line (NCL) is a 24/7 telephone-based triage service intended to connect New York City shelter residents with appropriate health care. The study team conducted a qualitative assessment of the NCL to ascertain perceptions, experiences, and interactions with the program, as well as barriers and facilitators to use and implementation. This presentation will go over the findings from the study and end with a discussion on lessons learned through the study process and policy implications of the program.

Speakers: Giselle Routhier, NYU School of Medicine; Shaili Gandhi, NYU Grossman School of Medicine

Session Materials:

Categories: Assessment and Intake, Best Practices, Clinical Practice, Homeless Services, Street Medicine, Street Outreach
Tags: 2024 National HCH Conference
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