Presented by the National Health Care for the Homeless Council and the Coldspring Center for Social and Health Innovation
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016 | 3:00-4:30 p.m. EDT
The amazing thing about humans is that, no matter how dark the situation, there is always hope for healing and growth. Trauma can either be a source of devastation or an opportunity to develop strength and wisdom. Which path is traveled will be highly determined by whether someone receives the right mix of resources and social support needed for recovery and growth.
In this webinar, we’ll examine the path to post traumatic growth. While everyone’s journey will be different, there are common steps most people take to transform past suffering into resiliency and strength.
One key finding in the research is that those we work with need other people to help them through this process. Learn how to help patients find hope and transform their lives, and how you are a critical variable in this amazing journey.
- Matt Bennett, Chief Innovation Officer, Coldspring Center for Social and Health Innovation, Denver, CO