Grantmaking Partnership of CDC Foundation/NIMRC Awards $1.6 Million to Programs in Seven States and Washington, D.C.

Grantmaking Partnership of CDC Foundation/NIMRC Awards $1.6 Million to Programs in Seven States and Washington, D.C.

February 15, 2021

The CDC Foundation (CDCF), in partnership with the National Institute for Medical Respite Care (NIMRC), has awarded $1.6 million in grants to nine existing and emerging medical respite/recuperative programs across the country. Grant support will be spread over a two-year period and will include customized technical assistance for each program.

Medical respite/recuperative care programs, which provide care to patients without homes who are not sick enough to remain in the hospital but are too sick to be on the streets or in a traditional shelter, have proven vital in the past year as communities and health systems have sought innovative ways to address the growing number of COVID-19 cases in the United States. The CDCF/NIMRC funding enables programs to mitigate barriers to care resulting from inadequate facilities or physical space; insufficient staffing and personnel; and insufficient medical equipment.

The nine recipient programs are: Christ House, Washington, D.C.; Cooperative Downtown Ministries (The Firehouse Shelter), Birmingham Ala.; IPH – Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless, Albany N.Y.; Joseph’s House, Washington, D.C.; LTHC Homeless Services; Lafayette Ind.; Mercy Care, Atlanta Ga.; New Horizon Family Health Services, Inc., Greenville S.C.; Shelter Association of Washtenaw County, Ann Arbor, Mich.; and The Village at Glencliff, Nashville, Tenn.

“We are excited about the opportunity to partner with the CDC Foundation to assist these organizations in expanding access to medical respite/recuperative care,” said Bobby Watts, CEO of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council and director of the NIMRC initiative. “In addition to the initial funding to the programs, we will work together over the next two years to provide technical assistance and support that will improve health outcomes for people experiencing homelessness, and ultimately move toward the goal of ending homelessness.”

About the CDC Foundation
The CDC Foundation helps the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) save and improve lives by unleashing the power of collaboration between CDC, philanthropies, corporations, organizations, and individuals to protect the health, safety and security of America and the world. The CDC Foundation is the go-to nonprofit authorized by Congress to mobilize philanthropic partners and private-sector resources to support CDC’s critical health protection mission.

About the National Institute for Medical Respite Care
The National Institute for Medical Respite Care, a special initiative of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, advances best practices, delivers expert consulting services, and disseminates state-of-the-field knowledge in medical respite/recuperative care.