2024 National HCH Conference

Homelessness Is Not a Binary: The Continuum of Care When Homelessness is a Chronic Comorbidity

Clinicians rarely ask patients about their health history related to recovering from homelessness. Through case studies, lived experience, oncological and epigenetic research, and group discussions, this session will explore the importance of evaluating chronic health issues with homelessness as a comorbidity even after patients have regained housing stability and recovered from homelessness. The session will […]

Homelessness Is Not a Binary: The Continuum of Care When Homelessness is a Chronic Comorbidity Read More >>

Closing the disparity gap: The importance of clinical, patient, and analytics team collaboration

Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program (BHCHP) works diligently to strengthen clinical equity in homeless health care as an integral part of its care model. For several years, the analytics team has performed analyses on clinical quality data stratified by patient demographics. Members of the clinical, analytics, quality, and consumer advisory board teams review

Closing the disparity gap: The importance of clinical, patient, and analytics team collaboration Read More >>

NYC Street Medicine: A Human-Centered Approach in Healthcare to Housing, and Housing to Health

Just as housing can lead to health, so too can health care lead to housing. This endeavor is foundational to the Street Health Outreach & Wellness (SHOW) initiative, run by New York City Health + Hospitals, the largest municipal healthcare organization in the nation. From a human-centered aim, the SHOW program utilizes street medicine and

NYC Street Medicine: A Human-Centered Approach in Healthcare to Housing, and Housing to Health Read More >>

LL – Environmental Emergencies: We Can Help, The Lived Experience Perspective

While an environmental emergency can be traumatic for entire communities, people experiencing homelessness are particularly devastated and predominantly ignored by emergency response efforts. We know, however, that people experiencing homelessness (and people who formerly experienced homelessness) are extremely resilient and often support one another to find solutions that can inspire and influence the greater community

LL – Environmental Emergencies: We Can Help, The Lived Experience Perspective Read More >>

A New Syndemic Approach: Domestic Violence, Homelessness and Harm Reduction

This workshop seeks to engage participants in reflection and conversation about the intersection of domestic violence, substance use, and homelessness while also identifying concrete and practical intervention strategies providers can begin to implement to best serve all our participants, and in this case specifically intimate partner violence survivors. Speaker: Tanagra Melgarejo, Author, MSW, National Learning

A New Syndemic Approach: Domestic Violence, Homelessness and Harm Reduction Read More >>

LL – Cultural Safety

As we look to address the social injustices of health and wellbeing, we must first acknowledge and reckon with the roots of the western medical model. The framework of Cultural Safety understands and names the history, context, and ongoing role colonization has in the health inequities that plague the communities we serve. During this Learning

LL – Cultural Safety

Understanding and Applying Principles of Language Justice

Speakers: Tanagra Melgarejo, National Learning and Engagement Strategist, National Harm Reduction Coalition; Kate Gleason-Bachman, Clinical and QI Nurse Manager, National Health Care for the Homeless Council; Katie League, Behavioral Health Manager, National Health Care for the Homeless Council Session Materials: 75 min_NHCH 2024 HR and Language Justice.pptx  

Understanding and Applying Principles of Language Justice

Mortal Systemic Exclusion and the State of Homeless Mortality

This session will provide an overview on what we currently know about homeless mortality in the U.S. Currently, there are no national estimates of how many people die while experiencing homelessness. However, local jurisdictions and organizations have developed their own methods for determining homeless deaths. Speakers will describe these local efforts and opportunities for aligning

Mortal Systemic Exclusion and the State of Homeless Mortality Read More >>