Workforce Development and Support

Promoting Safety in Street Outreach

Webinar Slides(PDF) The overall rise in homelessness over the last five years is largely attributable to the spike in unsheltered homelessness specifically. Communities across the country witnessed proliferation of encampments and others living in outdoor locations. This was exacerbated by COVID-19 in which gathering spaces (e.g., shelters, day centers, libraries, etc.) for people experiencing homelessness […]

Promoting Safety in Street Outreach

Clinicians’ Network Community Conversations: Ethical Quandaries Session 1: Managing Clients’ Romantic Attraction

The Health Care for the Homeless Clinicians’ Network is pleased to launch Community Conversations beginning November 2021. Forming around pressing issues affecting providers (defined broadly) who serve people experiencing homelessness, Community Conversations are not webinars: they are discussions informed by real-life cases meant to improve wellbeing of HCH providers through mutual support and problem-solving. Therefore,

Clinicians’ Network Community Conversations: Ethical Quandaries Session 1: Managing Clients’ Romantic Attraction Read More >>

Community Health Worker/Peer Workforce Recruiting and Hiring for Social Determinants of Health Screening

This is a best practices guide for health centers considering or evaluating a community health worker or peer workforce program in their health center to assist with SDOH screening. This publication focuses on how to integrate this workforce into clinic workflow and care teams. Both providers and community health workers were interviewed to share their

Community Health Worker/Peer Workforce Recruiting and Hiring for Social Determinants of Health Screening Read More >>

Trust or Trustworthiness: Which Comes First?

As health centers embark on vaccinating people in their communities against COVID-19, conversations regarding vaccine hesitancy versus access, and how to build vaccine confidence and trust are necessary. The Council is presenting a two-part webinar series focused on trustworthiness. This series will provide insight into the historical background of how trust has been broken among

Trust or Trustworthiness: Which Comes First?

Supporting Peer Work During a Pandemic

Webinar Slides(PDF) Peers are an important component of supporting people experiencing homelessness in accessing health care and navigating complex support systems. During COVID, peers have taken on expanded roles with different types of engagement like telehealth. This webinar will feature peer staff and individuals who supervise peers to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Supporting Peer Work During a Pandemic

COVID-19 & the HCH Community: Vaccines for Clients and Staff

Webinar Slides(PDF) Issue Brief on Vaccines(PDF) As vaccines for COVID-19 are approved and become available for distribution, there are many questions about when they will be available for people experiencing homelessness as well as staff working in community-based programs (such as health centers and homeless shelters). This discussion will identify the main challenges to vaccinating

COVID-19 & the HCH Community: Vaccines for Clients and Staff Read More >>