Street Outreach

Voter Registration and Engagement for the Health Care for the Homeless Community

Webinar Slides(PDF) Resources(PDF)   The central mission of Health Care for the Homeless programs is to empower those experiencing homelessness. Few endeavors are more empowering than participating in the democratic process by casting your own vote. This webinar will cover how to plan and run voter registration activities. Experts in the field will share their personal […]

Voter Registration and Engagement for the Health Care for the Homeless Community Read More >>

Minority Stress and Trauma-Informed Approaches

Minority Stress & Trauma-Informed Approaches Slides(PDF) Hatzenbueler 2009(PDF) LGBT Homeless Youth Agenda(PDF) Pachankis Archives 2015(PDF) Reisner et al. 2016(PDF) Trauma-Informed Care: HIV Men’s Brochure(PDF) Marginalized groups experience daily stressors related to their minority status through stigma, discrimination, and oppression. This form of chronic stress is traumatic, and it affects individuals directly as well as the

Minority Stress and Trauma-Informed Approaches

Law Enforcement & Homelessness: Forging Fruitful Partnerships

Law Enforcement & Homelessness Slides(PDF) Out of Reach 2017(PDF) Encampment Principles & Best Practices(PDF) In Focus: Incarceration & Homelessness(PDF) Housing Not Handcuffs(PDF) Tent City USA(PDF)   People experiencing homelessness often have nowhere to sleep or spend their time other than public spaces, such as parks and sidewalks. But metropolitan regulations often prohibit acts housed people

Law Enforcement & Homelessness: Forging Fruitful Partnerships

One HCH Center’s Framework for a Safe and Healthy Environment

  One HCH Center’s Framework for a Safe and Healthy Environment slides(PDF) Value-Based Decision-Making Outline(PDF) AHCH Framework for a Healthy and Safe Campus Environment(PDF)   By design, HCH organizations are committed to engaging and serving the most vulnerable populations in unconventional settings, through innovative mechanisms. As such, the work is laden with tensions: welcoming while

One HCH Center’s Framework for a Safe and Healthy Environment Read More >>

Employment Support in the HCH Setting

Webinar Slides(PDF) This webinar will address several approaches HCH projects can take to support consumers in considering, looking for, obtaining, and maintaining gainful employment. Unemployment and homelessness are very closely associated, but many individuals who are homeless are not only able but also eager to work. People who are homeless may already engage in temporary

Employment Support in the HCH Setting

Street Medicine for Gravely Mentally Ill Patients: Strategies for Establishing Conservatorship

State Standards for Treatment(PDF) Pathways to Home PowerPoint Slides(PDF) Patients experiencing homelessness who suffer from severe and persistent mental illness and terminal addiction, dementia, and co-morbid medical conditions are at high risk of dying on the streets. These individuals may lack the ability to seek safety and accept treatment because of their hallucinations, delusions, intoxication,

Street Medicine for Gravely Mentally Ill Patients: Strategies for Establishing Conservatorship Read More >>

Coffee Chat: End Of Life

Advance Directive Example(PDF) PowerPoint Slides(PDF) Part of the “Coffee Chat” series for clinicians, this session will examine issues related to end of life. Clinicians caring for people experiencing homelessness facing end of life sometimes grapple with challenging situations, including clarifying the individual’s wishes and values, finding ways to determine the person’s desires if he is

Coffee Chat: End Of Life

Coffee Chat: Reproductive Health

Part of our new “Ethics Coffee Chats” series for clinicians, this discussion will explore ethical issues related to reproductive health. Clinicians often face challenging ethical situations when assisting people of reproductive age who are experiencing homelessness—from knowing which reproductive health issues to discuss with youth without homes to addressing the ethical considerations related to reproductive

Coffee Chat: Reproductive Health

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