Respite News: November 2023
Respite News: November 2023
The Medical Respite Budget Tool is intended to provide medical respite care providers and funders with a framework for understanding and planning for program costs in operating a medical respite. There are 5 factors that will impact program budget planning: Establishing program costs is beneficial when starting and operating a medical respite program and can
Medical Respite Budget Tool
Trauma-informed care (TIC) is essential for service delivery within medical respite care. This course provides an overview of TIC principles and how they are applied within medical respite programs. This course is approximately 2 hours in length. If you are logged in, all of your progress will be saved if you need to exit the
MRC – Trauma-Informed Care in Medical Respite
Case managers, community health workers (CHWs), and peers are often the primary staff responsible for care coordination and implementation of care plans in medical respite. Beyond this, they build relationships and safety for medical respite care clients. This course provides an overview of each role within the medical respite program and recommended best and promising
MRC – The Role of Community Health Workers, Case Managers, and Peers Read More >>
Medicaid and Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) have demonstrated increased interest in partnering and funding medical respite care programs. Navigating this process can be complex and challenging, and this course provides an initial overview of Medicaid and how medical respite programs can approach partnerships with MCOs. This course is 60 minutes in length. If you are
MRC – Relationships with Managed Care Organizations
Hospitals are often one of the key partners for medical respite care programs. This course addresses how medical respite care programs can develop and maintain relationships with hospitals to for ongoing partnership and support. This course is 60 minutes in length. If you are logged in, all of your progress will be saved if you
MRC – Relationships with Hospitals
Integrating harm reduction practices within medical respite programs reduces barriers to care and improves services for those using substances. This course provides guidance and strategies for implementing harm reduction within the medical respite care setting. This course is 60 minutes in length. If you are logged in, all of your progress will be saved if
MRC – Harm Reduction
Discharge planning is a challenging but important part of the medical respite care process. This course covers recommended best and promising practices for discharging planning and transitions within medical respite care. This course is 60 minutes in length. If you are logged in, all of your progress will be saved if you need to exit
MRC – Discharge Planning and Processes