Developing a Medical Respite Program

Intervening at the Corner of Homelessness and Health: How to Rapidly Increase Capacity for Medical Respite

Medical respite care is an essential intervention to end and prevent homelessness. In the shadow of the COVID pandemic, this need looms larger than ever. This workshop will introduce a successful statewide capacity-building model that can be duplicated in states seeking to sustainably grow their network of medical respite programs. The state leader of this […]

Intervening at the Corner of Homelessness and Health: How to Rapidly Increase Capacity for Medical Respite Read More >>


PCI – Medical Respite: Honoring the Past and Looking to the Future

Medical respite care continues to grow and 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the Respite Care Providers’ Network (RCPN). This PCI will focus on how communities can continue to expand their programs and services to holistically address the needs of clients, while grounding themselves in the Standards for Medical Respite Care and the history of

PCI – Medical Respite: Honoring the Past and Looking to the Future Read More >>

Addiction and Medical Respite Care

Speakers: Raven Scrivner, Interfaith Works; Carol Benner, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program; Meg Martin, Interfaith Works; Elizabeth Yearsley, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program; Joanna D’Afflitti, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program; Hannah Matheson Session Materials:  CAT presentation NHCHC final.pptx Challenging Behaviors ppt NHCHC.pptx REST NHCHC 2024.pptx HCH2024 slides.pptx  

Addiction and Medical Respite Care

Patching the Safety Net: Review of a Rapid Post-Hospitalization Shelter Pilot Program

This presentation discusses a pilot post-hospitalization shelter program combined with a medical respite program that provides a rapid-admission option for people awaiting respite bed availability and offers a short-term recovery option for discharges not acute enough to require respite. The pilot has demonstrated that a same-day safety net shelter for hospital discharges provides an important

Patching the Safety Net: Review of a Rapid Post-Hospitalization Shelter Pilot Program Read More >>

From Feasibility to Facility: The Journey to Establish a Medical Respite

This workshop will provide an in-depth presentation of the three phases a faith-based community service organization led to establish a medical respite facility and Community of Care for persons who are experiencing homelessness. The three phases include the community partnerships that were convened to 1) complete the feasibility study for the facility; 2) the fundraising

From Feasibility to Facility: The Journey to Establish a Medical Respite Read More >>

Integrating ADL Support into Medical Respite Services

As the PEH population ages and geriatric conditions increase, Medical Respite programs across the country may increasingly be asked to accept individuals with ADL support needs. This presentation will outline how the San Francisco Department of Public Health’s Respite program approached enhancing onsite ADL support, including considerations around licensing and funding. The session will provide

Integrating ADL Support into Medical Respite Services

Creating Healing Spaces: Trauma Informed Design in Medical Respite Symposium

Virtual Symposium Description The environment plays a significant role in the health and well-being of people experiencing homelessness.  In many cases, the environment contributes to the stress and re-traumatization of individuals, while restricting participation in necessary daily activities and healthy connections. However, the environment also presents a significant opportunity to begin the process of healing.

Creating Healing Spaces: Trauma Informed Design in Medical Respite Symposium Read More >>

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