Clinical Practice

Nutrition and Diabetes Guide: How Medical Nutrition Therapy Can Improve Diabetes Management

This guide is published in direct response to the needs expressed by health care providers to the National Health Care for the Homeless Council concerning how health centers may provide quality care to people experiencing homelessness and diagnosed with diabetes. People who lack stable housing face numerous barriers that hamper diabetes management. As HRSA-supported health

Nutrition and Diabetes Guide: How Medical Nutrition Therapy Can Improve Diabetes Management Read More >>

Cultural Competency in Medical Education and Clinical Practice

Webinar Slides(PDF) The National Center for Medical Education, Development and Research Communities of Practice and the Council held this discussion on the importance of improving cultural competency in the care of vulnerable populations. Honoring diversity and promoting effective interactions is critical to meeting the needs of patients across cultures. As part of this webinar, presenters

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The Humanism Pocket Tool: Finding the Joy in Treating Challenging Patients

  Webinar Slides (721 KB)(PDF) Humanism Pocket Tool Manual (775 KB)(PDF) Humanism Pocket Tool Card version 5.4 (295 KB)(PDF) Soh, Shaner & Gelberg et al 2018 (428 KB)(PDF)   Every patient deserves compassionate, trauma-informed care, and it is particularly critical for clients coping with the experience of homelessness. How can clinicians ensure that all patients—including

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New Study Finds Emergency Personnel Less Likely to Treat Pain for Black Patients Than White Ones

By Anne Branigin Racial disparities in health care are a well-documented phenomenon, spanning every area of medicine from the birthing room to the ICU. Now, a recent study shows yet another place black people are treated differently from nonblack patients: the back of an ambulance. Download Research (PDF)

New Study Finds Emergency Personnel Less Likely to Treat Pain for Black Patients Than White Ones Read More >>

Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes (2019) | American Diabetes Association

Diabetes is a complex, chronic illness requiring continuous medical care with multifactorial risk reduction strategies beyond glycemic control. Ongoing patient self-management education and support are critical to preventing acute complications and reducing the risk of long-term complications. Significant evidence exists that supports a range of interventions to improve diabetes outcomes. The American Diabetes Association’s (ADA’s)

Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes (2019) | American Diabetes Association Read More >>

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