
Lessons in Palliative Care: Examples and Promising Practices from San Francisco and Toronto

Speakers: Tanya Majumder: Physician, San Francisco Department of Public Health Street Medicine, Shelter Health, and Urgent Care; Donna Spaner: Inner City Health Associates; Shannon Ducharme: Health Worker Extraordinaire, Street Medicine; Melanie Bien: Sr. Psychiatric Social Worker, Street Medicine; Trevor Morey: Physician, Inner City Health Associates; Naheed Dosani: Inner City Health Associates Session Materials:  Download Powerpoint […]

Lessons in Palliative Care: Examples and Promising Practices from San Francisco and Toronto Read More >>

Minnesota Homeless Mortality Study, 2017-2021

The Minnesota Department of Health recently collaborated with the Health, Homelessness, and Criminal Justice Lab at the Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute to conduct the first systematic examination of mortality among people experiencing homelessness (PEH) who die in Minnesota (Minnesota Homeless Mortality Report, 2017-2021 ( The researchers merged Minnesota state death data, Minnesota Homeless Management Information

Minnesota Homeless Mortality Study, 2017-2021

Confronting Collective and Cumulative Grief: Self-Care as an Institutional Responsibility

Homelessness is a socially engineered trauma, rooted in systems of oppression and violence, with measurable health disparities. Compared to their housed counterparts, individuals experiencing homelessness are 3-4x more likely to die prematurely, 2x as likely to have a heart attack or stroke, and 3x more likely to die of heart disease; the life expectancy of

Confronting Collective and Cumulative Grief: Self-Care as an Institutional Responsibility Read More >>

SF Managed Alcohol Program’s Aim to Serve the Latinx Population with Severe AUD (Poster Session)

Alcohol related mortality is increasing nationally. Latinx individuals experience worse alcohol- related health complications and mortality, face greater criminalization, and have limited access to treatment. In San Francisco, 26% of individuals with AUD receiving care within the behavioral health system identify as Latinx despite only comprising 15% of the overall population. Alcohol-attributable premature mortality ranks

SF Managed Alcohol Program’s Aim to Serve the Latinx Population with Severe AUD (Poster Session) Read More >>