Behavioral Health

SF Managed Alcohol Program’s Aim to Serve the Latinx Population with Severe AUD (Poster Session)

Alcohol related mortality is increasing nationally. Latinx individuals experience worse alcohol- related health complications and mortality, face greater criminalization, and have limited access to treatment. In San Francisco, 26% of individuals with AUD receiving care within the behavioral health system identify as Latinx despite only comprising 15% of the overall population. Alcohol-attributable premature mortality ranks […]

SF Managed Alcohol Program’s Aim to Serve the Latinx Population with Severe AUD (Poster Session) Read More >>

Community Conversations: Syringe Access and Safer Consumption

In our December Community Conversation, we will dive into the topics of syringe services and safer consumption. Syringe access is an important harm reduction strategy that can reduce the transmission of infectious diseases and increase linkages to substance use treatment and other health care services. We will start with an overview of the state of

Community Conversations: Syringe Access and Safer Consumption

Promising Practices: Providing Behavioral Health Care in a Medical Respite Setting

  Promising Practices Behavioral Health in MRC (PDF) Webinar Slides(PDF) People experiencing homelessness (PEH) served in medical respite care (MRC) programs have complex medical and social needs that are often driven and exacerbated by underlying mental health and substance use (behavioral health) conditions. As MRC programs strive to optimize outcomes and provide whole-person care, they

Promising Practices: Providing Behavioral Health Care in a Medical Respite Setting Read More >>

Community Conversations: Xylazine in the Drug Supply

The Health Care for the Homeless Clinicians’ Network is pleased to host monthly Community Conversations for HCH providers (defined broadly). Forming around pressing issues affecting providers who serve people experiencing homelessness, Community Conversations are not webinars: they are discussions informed by real-life cases meant to improve wellbeing and knowledge among HCH providers through mutual support

Community Conversations: Xylazine in the Drug Supply

Clinicians’ Network Community Conversations: Harm Reduction Strategies for the Fentanyl Crisis

Join us on August 31, International Overdose Awareness Day, for a Community Conversation exploring harm reduction strategies for the fentanyl crisis. While some communities have been grappling with fentanyl and its impact for years, other parts of the United States have only recently begun seeing its effects, as rates of overdose from synthetic opioids rise

Clinicians’ Network Community Conversations: Harm Reduction Strategies for the Fentanyl Crisis Read More >>

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