Coming Soon: Medical Respite Program Certification

The field of medical respite care (MRC) is growing rapidly. As the field continues to evolve, there is an increasing need to clearly define characteristics, quality standards, and oversight of MRC programs.

As the preeminent entity dedicated to expanding access to high-quality medical respite care nationwide, the National Institute for Medical Respite Care, a program of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, has designed a voluntary certification process built on robust stakeholder input and a nationally recognized Framework for Medical Respite Care Programs.

The process is designed to be supportive and collaborative, with NIMRC offering guidance, resources, technical assistance, and peer connections.

Participating programs will have the opportunity to:

  • Enhance the care they provide
  • Strengthen partnerships
  • Promote their work
  • Maximize impact
  • Elevate the MRC field
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