William F. Ryan Community Health Center

National Health Care for the Homeless Council

HCH Grantee Directory

William F. Ryan Community Health Center

Since 1967, the William F. Ryan Community Health Network (Ryan Center) has provided high quality, affordable, culturally and linguistically competent, primary and preventive health care, dental, mental health, and support services to medically underserved residents in Manhattan.  The Ryan Network mission is supported by the founding principle that health care is a right, not a privilege.


The Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) program, called the Community Health Outreach (CHO) program at the William F. Ryan Community Health Network, provides comprehensive medical and mental health services at clinics in the West End Intergenerational Residence, Regent Family Residence, Convent Family Living Center, West Harlem Residence, and The Bridge, a rehabilitation agency. Ryan also provides comprehensive health care services to homeless patients at the William F. Ryan Community Health Center, Thelma C. Davidson Adair Medical/Dental Clinic, Ryan/Chelsea-Clinton Community Health Center, Ryan-NENA Community Health Center, and Ryan’s mobile medical van. Homeless uninsured patients receive prescriptions free of charge.

The program provides primary care, mental health counseling, substance abuse counseling, HIV services, case management, nutrition, and health education. CHO patients are referred to the Ryan Center for sub-specialty care, WIC, dental services, obstetrical and gynecological care, and radiology services.

24 hour emergency on-call, asthma treatment, basic needs, behavioral/mental health care services, blood pressure monitoring, cancer screening, case management/social services, child development services, chronic bronchitis/emphysema, contraceptives (issued w/counseling), dental/oral Care, diabetes testing/care, electronic medical records, family planning, flu vaccinations, health/nutritional education, HIV/AIDS screening/education, immunizations, interpretation services, labs, medication prescribing, mental health counseling, mobile medical services, OB/GYN, optometry services, outreach, pediatrics, pharmacy, physical exams, primary health care, referrals for specialty care, shelter outreach, specialty care, STD testing, street outreach, TB screening/education, tobacco cessation, transportation services, urgent care, well child check-ups, X-rays, referral to substance abuse counseling and treatment.


The CHO team maintains numerous linkages with other program providers, including substance abuse counseling and treatment agencies, to ensure coordination and case management of these services. The Center maintains a backup agreement with Mount Sinai St. Luke’s, Mount Sinai Roosevelt, and Mount Sinai Beth Israel for inpatient care and for referrals to specialties not provided at the main Ryan sites.


Estimated homeless population: 53,270

Patients served: 2,690

General Info


Brian McIndoe

Medical Director

Jessica Sessions

UDS Number


Contact Info

Phone Number

(212) 316-8319






Physical Address

110 West 97th Street
New York, NY 10025