Organizing Showers & Hygiene Access for People Living Outside


Webinar Slides(PDF)

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying economic crisis, unsheltered homelessness was on the rise. Many meaningful reasons prevent some from utilizing shelters, especially in the current environment where sleeping outside may actually mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

Therefore, we must meet people where they are. Enter mobile showers: a crucial hygiene service for people living in encampments. Join this discussion to learn the nuts and bolts of developing and operating showers, in conjunction with other services, as part of a broader organizing effort by and for houseless people.


  • Sandra Comstock, Hygiene4All
  • Michael Sandell, Creating Conscious Communities with People Outside (C3PO)


  • Michael Durham, National Health Care for the Homeless Council
Categories: Street Medicine, Street Outreach
Tags: Webinar
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