Coffee Chat: Outcomes and Data Collection in Medical Respite

Medical Respite/Recuperative Care programs offer comprehensive and wrap-around services to support health and recovery for people experiencing homelessness. The complexity of services, however, can make it more challenging to determine the outcomes of the program, what may have had a positive impact, and what data would support these outcomes.

Additionally, programs and funders have long focused on outcomes related to reducing overall costs of care and readmissions. While these are important, the role of medical respite care is far beyond just reducing costs, and these outcomes can be difficult for programs to track as much of the data lives with large hospitals and health systems.

This coffee chat serves as an opportunity for programs to identify other ways to identify the positive outcomes of medical respite care, including data that can be collected internally by programs. Attendees will have an opportunity to share their own methods for data collection and outcomes tracked, as well as learn from others, to support programs’ ability to tell the story of medical respite to their communities.


  • Caitlin Synovec, OTD, OTR/L, BCMH | Medical Respite Manager | National Health Care for the Homeless Council
Categories: Medical Respite, Medical Respite Care Research
Tags: Webinar
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