Consumer Leadership Summit

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Consumer Leadership Summit – June 27-28, 2022

On June 27-28, 2022 over 75 consumer leaders and health center staff gathered in Nashville, TN to promote the consumer voice and the role of consumer leadership in the health care system.  Breakout sessions were conducted to provide training on supporting youth consumer leadership, recruiting and hiring consumer leaders, consumer advisory board creation and support, governance in consumer boards, curriculum for training consumer leaders, and more.  Afternoon work groups created change maps to evaluate consumer engagement effectiveness in local health centers and in national work. 

Next steps will include the creation of a Consumer Engagement Assessment Tool, an online course for consumers and health centers who seek to improve consumer engagement, and a Pre-Conference Institute to focus on this issue in May 2023. 

To learn more about consumer engagement, contact Cindy Manginelli at

Note that consumers are defined as people with the lived experience of homelessness who receive services at a health care for the homeless health center.

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