Meet Our Keynote Speaker: Dr. Philip M. Alberti

Meet Our Keynote Speaker: Dr. Philip M. Alberti, Senior Director of Health Equity Research and Policy at the Association of American Medical Colleges

We’re excited to announce the first keynote speaker of our 2020 National Health Care for the Homeless Conference & Policy SymposiumDr. Philip M. Alberti, Senior Director of Health Equity Research and Policy at the Association of American Medical Colleges. A national health care equity leader, Alberti supports the efforts of academic medical centers to build an evidence-base for effective programs, protocols, policies, and partnerships aimed at eliminating inequities in health. He joined the AAMC in 2012 to facilitate the conduct of community-partnered, health equity science and scholarship at AAMC-member medical schools and teaching hospitals, and to make the case for policies and practices that explicitly have health and health care equity as a goal.

Dr. Alberti is Co-Chair of the National Quality Forum’s Disparities Standing Committee and has been funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to develop a systems approach to community health and health equity for academic medical centers. He regularly speaks at national forums on issues related to community and patient engaged science, consideration of social risk in quality measurement, hospital community benefit and needs assessment requirements, and the social determinants of health, and has published numerous peer-reviewed articles and commentaries on these topics. He has served on committees, workgroups, and task forces convened by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the National Institutes of Health.

Previously, Dr. Alberti led research, evaluation, and planning efforts for a Bureau within the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene that works to promote health equity between disadvantaged and advantaged neighborhoods. Dr. Alberti holds a B.A. in psychology and a Ph.D. degree in Sociomedical Sciences from Columbia University and was a National Institute of Mental Health Fellow in the Psychiatric Epidemiology Training program.