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The Urgent, Uncomfortable Issue We Need to Talk About

by Barbara DiPietro, Senior Policy Director There are two words that feel especially uncomfortable right now: Sanctioned Encampments. This term means different things to different people, and can reference a wide range of approaches—but simply letting large numbers of people live outside is hardly a solution to homelessness—and one that has a high risk of

The Urgent, Uncomfortable Issue We Need to Talk About Read More >>

Council Celebrates Four Years of NIMRC

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council is excited to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the National Institute for Medical Respite Care! Launched on July 15, 2020, as a special program of NHCHC, NIMRC is a singular national institute that advances best practices, delivers expert consulting services, and disseminates state-of-field knowledge in medical respite

Council Celebrates Four Years of NIMRC

bench with bedding juxtaposed against SCOTUS building

Cruel and Unusual Punishment, Part 3

By Barbara DiPietro, Senior Director of Policy  Background: In March (Part 1), we described the key provisions of this case and outlined how to draw attention and build power around key advocacy messages. In April (Part 2), we summarized the Supreme Court hearing, listed 10 questions the Justices asked during testimony, linked to the amicus

Cruel and Unusual Punishment, Part 3

2025 NAP Grant Opportunity Available: Here's What to Know

2025 NAP Grant Opportunity Available: Here’s What to Know

HCH Funding: Introduction In light of the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) long anticipated release of the 2025 New Access Point (NAP) grant opportunity, this post will review the Health Center Program, HCH designation, and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council’s technical assistance offerings building off a previous HCH Helpdesk blog post

2025 NAP Grant Opportunity Available: Here’s What to Know Read More >>

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