National Health Care for the Homeless Council
HCH Grantee Directory
Terry Reilly Health Services

The Terry Reilly Health Care for the Homeless Project serves persons who are homeless in Ada and Canyon Counties.
Terry Reilly provides medical, dental, and social services to individuals and families who are homeless through site-based clinics and shelter-based outreach clinics. The primary locations for delivery of homeless services are the Boise Clinic and the Nampa Clinic. Terry Reilly also operates shelter-based outreach clinics at seven homeless shelters in the Boise/Nampa area. Services include primary health care, diabetic education, pharmacy, lab work, psychiatry, counseling, and case management.
Dental care is provided through the Terry Reilly Dental Clinic in Boise and the Canyon Dental Clinic. 24 hour emergency on-call, Asthma treatment, Behavioral/Mental Health Care Services, Blood Pressure Monitoring, Cancer Screening, Case Management/Social Services, Chronic Bronchitis/Emphysema, Contraceptives (issued w/counseling), Dental/oral Care, Diabetes Testing/Care, Documenting Disability Services, Electronic Medical Records, Family Planning, Financial counseling, Flu Vaccinations, Health/Nutritional Education, HIV/AIDS screening/education, Immunizations, Interpretation services, Labs, Medication Prescribing, Medication Dispensing, Mental Health Counseling, OB/GYN, Outreach, Pediatrics, Pharmacy, Physical Exams, Primary Health Care, Referrals for Specialty Care, Services in permanent supportive housing, Sexual Abuse Support Services, Shelter outreach, SOAR services, STD Testing, Substance Abuse Treatment, TB screening/education, Urgent Care, Well Child Check-ups, X-rays
Shelter-based outreach clinics are operated at the Women’s and Children’s Alliance, City Light Women’s Shelter, Valley Crisis Center, Boise Rescue Mission, Nampa Lighthouse shelter, Community House, and the Nampa Community Family Shelter. Through two U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Supportive Housing Program grants, TRHS and the Ada County Housing Authority provide housing assistance and mental health treatment to homeless patients with co-occurring disorders. Substance abuse treatment, specialty care, and other support services are performed off-site through referral arrangements.
Estimated homeless population: 3,000
Patients served: 1,100
General Info
Heidi Hart
HCH Coordinator
Bethany Gadzinski
Medical Director
Andrew Baron, MD
UDS Number
Contact Info
Kendra LutesPhone Number
(208) 467-4431Website
Physical Address
211 16th Ave North
Nampa, ID 83651
Mailing Address
PO Box 9
Nampa, ID 83653