smoking cessation

Join Our Learning Collaborative on Tobacco Use Intervention

Please join the National Health Care for the Homeless Council for a four-session Learning Collaborative (LC) on smoking cessation for people experiencing homelessness. Areas of focus include common challenges to quitting smoking; the brief intervention, referral to treatment (SBIRT) approach; and an exploration of how patient and community education specialists may increase access to smoking […]

Join Our Learning Collaborative on Tobacco Use Intervention Read More >>

Tobacco Cessation for Homeless Individuals and Public Housing Residents: A Brief Review

Register for the webinar here Join the National Health Care for the Homeless Council and the National Center for Health in Public Housing Nov. 16 at 1 p.m. CST for a webinar focusing on introducing clinicians, health educators, and community health workers to the rationale for doing smoking cessation with public housing and unhoused individuals

Tobacco Cessation for Homeless Individuals and Public Housing Residents: A Brief Review Read More >>

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