Share Your Medicaid Story with Congress

The Council wants to hear what Medicaid means to YOU. 

Right now Congress is deciding how and where to cut $880 billion from the program which would harm the 80 million people who depend on it. We need to show Congress why Medicaid is critical for HCH programs, providers, and clients. Select one of the prompts below to share why Medicaid is important to you.

Choose one of the prompts below to share the specific impact of Medicaid on you, your clients, or your HCH program. Details are critical here! We know Medicaid is essential, but how specifically does it help you. One example:

Medicaid is important to me because… Medicaid covers about 50% of our patient population. Cuts to Medicaid eligibility would have a massive financial impact on us. Prior to the 2013 ACA expansion, 71% of CCH’s patients were uninsured. That increase in insured rate allowed us to expand our services, serve more patients, and provide higher quality care. With the reductions in revenue we would almost assuredly need to cut client facing staff or potentially entire care service lines.

Reach out to Laura Brennan with any questions.

2025 Share Your Medicaid Story with Congress

  1. Medicaid is important to me because…
  2. Medicaid is important to my patients/clients because…
  3. If my organization received less Medicaid revenue, it would mean…
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How would you like us to share your story?
If you would like to share a photo to accompany your story, add it here!
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