Sea-Mar Community Health Centers

National Health Care for the Homeless Council

HCH Grantee Directory

Sea-Mar Community Health Centers

Sea Mar Community Health Center serves individuals experiencing homelessness in Whatcom, Skagit, Island, Snohomish, King, Pierce, Thurston, Clallam, Grays Harbor and Clark Counties.

Sea Mar provides direct care as well as services subcontracted through other community health centers. Sea Mar provides a broad range of primary medical, dental, preventive, human and social services to individuals experiencing homelessness in most of our sites. In addition, a homeless-only medical clinic operates in Pierce County and a mobile medical team visits a shelter on a weekly basis in Whatcom County.

In some counties, Sea Mar helps facilitate mobile medical clinics at yearly Project Homeless Connects. Additional mobile dental clinics and medical clinics take place in Skagit and Whatcom counties when possible.


All services below are served on site:
Care/Case Management
Dental Services
HIV Screening/Education
Mobile Clinical Services
Perinatal Care
Pharmacy/Dispensary Services
Street Outreach
Substance Abuse Services
Support/Education Services


Sea Mar makes referrals for inpatient care, specialty services, most diagnostic laboratory and radiology services, most pharmaceutical services, housing, and vocational education training, community service agencies, food banks, and churches for financial aid, legal assistance, social services, shelter, and basic needs assistance.

Referrals for substance abuse services are made to Skagit Valley Hospital, North Sound Evaluation and Treatment Center, Pioneer Center North, Sea Mar Community Health Center’s Inpatient Treatment Centers, and St. Joseph Hospital. Referral agencies include Community Action, Opportunity Council, NW Justice Project, Allianza Pro Migrante, Salvation Army, Red Cross, Friendship House Shelter, Lighthouse Mission, Agape Mission, Skagit Domestic Violence and Assault Services Shelter, LOVE In The Name of Christ (LOVE Inc.), Neighbors in Need, Bellingham Food Bank, Helping Hands, Viewcrest Assembly of God, Community Covenant, Immaculate Conception, and St. Cha


Estimated homeless population: 16,951

Patients served: 14,660 patients served between 1/1/2017 and 12/31/2018


Interfaith CHC

220 Unity Bellingham, WA 98225 

Contact: David Hughes

Phone: (360) 676-6177 

Fax: (360) 671-3574 


General Info


Rogelio Riojas

HCH Coordinator

Jimena Garcia

Medical Director

Ricardo Jimenez

UDS Number


Contact Info

Phone Number

(206) 763-5277

Fax Number

(206) 788-3204




Physical Address

1040 S. Henderson St.
Seattle, WA 98108