Using Homeless Mortality Data to Drive Policy & Program Change: A Discussion of Local Approaches

Completing a homeless mortality study is a major accomplishment, but it’s only the beginning of the process to reduce disparities in life expectancy for people experiencing homelessness. In this moderated discussion panel, members of the Homeless Mortality Working Group will discuss their experiences in using homeless mortality studies to drive policy change. Specifically, the panelists will discuss strategies for making research findings accessible through community engagement, group/task forces, interactive dashboards, media communications, and using reports to inform efforts to reduce deaths. Come to this discussion and learn how you can leverage your community’s mortality data toward policy change.

Speakers: Ben King, Assistant Professor, University of Houston; David Modersbach, Grants Mgr, Alameda County Health Care for the Homeless; Josh Leopold, Senior Adviser on Health, Housing, and Homelessness, Minnesota Department of Health; Barbara DiPietro, Senior Director of Policy, National Health Care for the Homeless Council

Session Materials:

Categories: Clinical Practice, Mortality, Research and Data
Tags: 2024 National HCH Conference
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