Safer at Home? COVID-19 and Domestic Violence

Webinar Slides(PDF)

Call centers and police stations around the country report a staggering increase in domestic violence; violence in the home has become more common and significantly more severe during this crisis.

For many households, safe places and coping strategies have been compromised while family stress has exponentially increased. For some, the threat of homelessness, incarceration, physical harm, and even death are much more pressing and real than the risks associated with coronavirus. This is especially true among those living in extreme poverty with limited resources.

In this webinar, we will seek to understand why domestic/family/intimate partner violence is so prevalent during this time and what we, as service providers, can do to prevent and address this issue now and in the aftermath of the crisis.


  • Cindy Manginelli, TennCare Shelter Enrollment Project Coordinator, National Health Care for the Homeless Council
Categories: Domestic Violence, Shelter Health
Tags: Webinar
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