Intimate partner violence (IPV) negatively impacts one’s mental health, physical health, and economic stability. Due to the prevalence of IPV among people experiencing homelessness, HCH programs find themselves addressing issues related to IPV on a weekly, even daily, basis.
While it is clear that IPV is a significant problem, how to effectively respond to it within the HCH setting is not. To close this gap, the National HCH Council has partnered with Futures Without Violence to share tools and resources for identifying and responding to IPV.
In addition to sharing the resources developed by Futures Without Violence, this webinar will explore the ways that HCH staff respond to IPV in their programs and the challenges faced when working with victims and perpetrators of IPV. The presenters will share strategies for creating a trauma-informed environment, building community partnerships, and training and supporting staff. After the presentation, speakers will participate in a live Q&A session with the audience.<
- Brian Bickford, MA/LMHC, Director, Homeless Outreach and Advocacy Program, Community Healthlink (Worcester, MA)
- Julia Dobbins, MSSW, National Health Care for the Homeless Council (Nashville, TN)
- Chris Espersen, MSPH, Independent Contractor, Past President of Midwest Clinicians’ Network (Franklin Park, IL)
- Anna Marjavi, Program Director, Futures Without Violence (San Francisco, CA)