Patching the Safety Net: Review of a Rapid Post-Hospitalization Shelter Pilot Program

This presentation discusses a pilot post-hospitalization shelter program combined with a medical respite program that provides a rapid-admission option for people awaiting respite bed availability and offers a short-term recovery option for discharges not acute enough to require respite. The pilot has demonstrated that a same-day safety net shelter for hospital discharges provides an important part in the safety net designed for the unhoused and addresses a critical gap between hospitalization and the availability of medical respite beds. This presentation discusses program inception and funding, the clinical model, outcomes, and challenges associated with the first nine months of this pilot.

Speaker: Catherine Hayes, BSN, MSN, FNP-BC, MPH, President, Cardea Health

Session Materials:

Categories: Clinical Practice, Developing a Medical Respite Program, Discharge Planning, Healthcare and Homelessness Partnerships, Homeless Services, Medical Respite, Shelter Health
Tags: 2024 National HCH Conference
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