Medical respite care is an essential component of the continuum of care for people experiencing homelessness. While the service has grown exponentially in the last ten years, it is still a fairly recent addition to the homeless health care field. The integrity of a medical respite program rests on its ability to provide meaningful and quality services to a complex population.
Its sustainability relies on the extent to which it can demonstrate that ability. Clearly defined outcome measures and data collection protocols are imperative to help programs tell the story of how their services have positively impacted the lives of their clients.
In this webinar, presenters will share lessons learned from a year-long learning collaborative centered around promising practices in data collection and outcome measures in medical respite care. Presenters will share resources developed during the learning collaborative, as well as guidance on ways to use data to demonstrate value. Additionally, the group will engage in discussion on ways programs can leverage their data to increase community partners and program funders.
- Matthew Cotter, MSW, Senior Manager, Primary Care & Crisis Residential Services, Pittsburgh Mercy Family Health Center, Pittsburgh, PA
- Maddy Frey, MPH, Director of Population Health Evaluation, Cottage Health, Santa Barbara, CA
- Laurel Nelson, Chief Executive Officer, Center for Respite Care, Cincinnati, OH
- Monica Ray, Interim Director of Population Health, Cottage Health, Santa Barbara, CA
- Julia Dobbins, MSSW, Project Manager, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, Nashville, TN