Meeting the Needs of New Arrivals within the HCH Community

The homelessness services system is experiencing increases in the number of people without housing who have recently entered the United States. Rooted in human rights principles, this session will be an informal discussion of the operational challenges this change presents, as well as highlight strategies for delivering care and advocating for needed resources. Come to this discussion and help us evaluate how the HCH Community adapts to a growing population with special needs.

Speakers: Mary Tornabene, FNP, Manager of Shelter Base Care Services, Heartland Alliance Health Andrew Grimm, Vice President, Integrated Health Operations, Colorado Coalition for the Homeless; Semone Andu, Regional Health Administrator, Health Care for the Homeless Network, Public Health – Seattle & King County; Devora Keller, Director of Clinical Quality Improvement, National Health Care for the Homeless Council

Session Materials: 

Categories: Best Practices, Clinical Practice, Homeless Services, Outreach, Permanent Supportive Housing
Tags: 2024 National HCH Conference
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