Medication-Assisted Treatment in the HCH Community: Strategies for Expanding Services


While Health Care for the Homeless programs serve only 4% of all health center patients nationally, they are responsible for serving nearly 40% of all patients receiving medication-assisted treatment (MAT). Patient need and program requirements are likely important factors driving a high commitment to MAT, but HCH programs must still overcome challenges that are common to primary care environments. These challenges can include limited provider capacity, training, stigma, and organizational buy-in.

This webinar complements our recent publication with the Kaiser Family Foundation and features a discussion with staff from two HCH programs that have implemented successful strategies to start and grow their MAT program. Learn how you can increase and/or improve the MAT services your program offers.



  • Lynda Bascelli, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Project HOPE, Camden, NJ
  • Brian Colangelo, LCSW, Director of Mental Health, Project HOPE, Camden, NJ
  • Martin Sabol, Director of Health Services, Nasson Health Care, Sanford, ME
  • Rhianna Meadows, DO, Medical Director, Nasson Health Care, Sanford ME
  • Dawn Gray, Program Manager of Special Populations, Nasson Health Care, Sanford, ME
  • Moderator: Barbara DiPietro, PhD, Senior Director of Policy, National HCH Council
Categories: Behavioral Health, Clinical Practice, Medication Assisted Treatment, Policy and Advocacy, Policy Issues, Substance Use, Substance Use & Opioids
Tags: Webinar
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