LL – Environmental Emergencies: We Can Help, The Lived Experience Perspective

While an environmental emergency can be traumatic for entire communities, people experiencing homelessness are particularly devastated and predominantly ignored by emergency response efforts. We know, however, that people experiencing homelessness (and people who formerly experienced homelessness) are extremely resilient and often support one another to find solutions that can inspire and influence the greater community response. Please join the National Consumer Advisory Board’s Steering Committee for this Learning Lab, an interactive discussion about how environmental emergencies impact people experiencing homelessness and how people with lived experience are uniquely positioned to support people experiencing homelessness during these crises. Additionally, the discussion will explore how HCH health centers can better support and advocate for people experiencing homelessness during environmental emergencies by engaging consumer leaders, consumer advisory boards, peers, and others with lived experience in the response.

Speakers: National Consumer Advisory Board

Session Materials:


Categories: Best Practices, Clinical Practice, Emergency Preparedness, Homeless Services
Tags: 2024 National HCH Conference
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