Healing Hands: Incarceration and Homelessness: Reentry Considerations for Health Care Providers

In this issue of Healing Hands, we’ll begin by looking at some of the challenging dimensions of access to healthcare that face formerly incarcerated people during the reentry period, and how healthcare access intersects with homelessness, with attention to the challenges specific to young people involved in juvenile justice systems. We’ll then look at key suggestions for organizational best practices during reentry, with a focus on the role of community health workers and peer support, and learn from two organizations working in this area to create access to care and a culture of welcoming.

Because formerly incarcerated people are at risk of experiencing periods of homelessness during and after the reentry period, providers who specialize in health care for the homeless are likely to encounter people in need of health support during reentry. Understanding the unique situation of each of these individuals is essential to helping them access the care they need during a difficult and stressful time.

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Categories: Clinical Practice, Healing Hands Newsletter
Tags: Newsletter