Effectiveness of case management for homeless persons: a systematic review

We reviewed the literature on standard case manage- ment (SCM), intensive case management (ICM), asser- tive community treatment (ACT), and critical time in- tervention (CTI) for homeless adults. We searched data- bases for peer-reviewed English articles published from 1985 to 2011 and found 21 randomized controlled trials or quasi-experimental stud- ies comparing case man- agement to other services.

We found little evidence for the effectiveness of ICM. SCM improved housing sta- bility, reduced substance use, and removed employ- ment barriers for substance users. ACT improved hous- ing stability and was cost- effective for mentally ill and dually diagnosed persons. CTI showed promise for housing, psychopathology, and substance use and was cost-effective for mentally ill persons.
More research is needed on how case management can most effectively support rapid-rehousing approaches to homelessness.

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Categories: Best Practices, Case Management, Clinical Practice, Homeless Services
Tags: Additional Resources
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