Coffee Chat: Competency & Decision-Making

PowerPoint Slides(PDF)

Part of the “Coffee Chat” series for clinicians, this session will explore issues related to competency and decision-making. Clinicians caring for people experiencing homelessness sometimes face challenging situations, including considering the role mental health and substance use play in a person’s ability to make decisions, and addressing the tension between wanting to “fix” people and supporting their autonomy to make decisions and commitments.

Join Laurel Lyckholm, Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Iowa, and Annette Mendola, Chief of Clinical Ethics at the University of Tennessee School of Medicine, for this highly interactive discussion exploring case studies and possible solutions. As a participant, you will have the ability to respond and ask questions—as well as to suggest situations or topics you’d like to see covered in the discussion when you register.



  • Laurel Lyckholm, MD, Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine – Hematology, Oncology, and Blood and Marrow Transplantation, University of Iowa
  • Annette Mendola, PhD, Chief of Division of Clinical Ethics, University of Tennessee School of Medicine
  • David Rosenthal, MD, Assistant Professor of General Internal Medicine, Yale Medical School; Medical Director, Homeless Patient Aligned Care Team, VA Connecticut
Categories: Behavioral Health, Clinical Practice, Conditions and Issues, Consumer Engagement, Cultural Competency, End-of-Life Care, Ethical and Cultural Issues, Homeless Services, Policy and Advocacy, Severe Mental Illness, Substance Use
Tags: Webinar
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