Clinicians’ Coffee Chat: Community Health Workers in Diabetes Care and Prevention

Webinar Slides(PDF)

In this second conversation of a four-part “Clinicians’ Coffee Chat” series on diabetes, participants will hear about how CHWs are providing diabetes care and education in their communities. This interactive conversation will foster peer learning and support across the homeless health care field. Please bring your questions and experiences to share in the discussion.


  • Julia Dominguez, LCDCI, CHW/Care Coordinator, Healthcare for the Homeless, Houston, TX
  • Denita Ngwu, Community Health Worker, Sr., Hennepin Healthcare, Minneapolis, MN
  • Esly Reyes, MPH, Program Director, MPH Salud


  • Lily Catalano, BA, Project Manager, National Health Care for the Homeless Council
Categories: Chronic Disease, Clinical Practice, Community Health Workers
Tags: Webinar