In 2014 the National Health Care for the Homeless Council published a study exploring the relationship between homelessness and violence. Nearly half the study’s ~500 participants experienced violence while homeless, and findings revealed that although males and females experienced violence at virtually the same rate, female gender was a significant predictor of knowing one’s perpetrator, experiencing rape, and suffering consequences after the attack.
Furthermore, it is widely known that women are more likely to be impacted by the violence that leads to housing instability and homelessness.
This webinar will provide resources to address the intersection of violence and homelessness for women. Presenters will share their experiences and ideas on how to get involved in this work. The aim is to further support women experiencing homelessness and the health centers that serve them.
- Amy Grassette, OB/Perinatal Scheduler, Community Health Link / Family Health Center of Worcester, Worcester, MA
- Amy Turk, Chief Innovation Officer, Downtown Women’s Center, Los Angeles, CA
- Juli Hishida, Project Manager, NHCHC, Nashville, TN